
Welcome to the seventeenth annual

Baltic Model United Nations


Questioning & qualifying the education of future generations


Model United Nations (MUN) is a simulation of the work of the United Nations Organization
managed and carried out by students from different schools and countries.

This year's conference will be held from May 22rd to May 25th.
We are currently planning on hosting an in-person conference.
The topic will be "Questioning & qualifying the education of future generations."

You can find more information about BALMUN in general here and what this year's Conference will be about in our introduction.

If you want to register for this year's conference you can do so here.

Committees and Councils

GA1 – Disarmament & international security
  • Installing disarmament and non-proliferation education to achieve sustainable peace and security
  • Rethinking universal nuclear disarmament
GA3 – Social, humanitarian & cultural
  • Fostering accessibility through reconstructing urban and rural infrastructure as well as media
  • Preventing conflict related sexual violence as one of history's greatest silences
GA4 – Special political & decolonization
  • Furthering and sustaining education initiatives to strengthen communal ties in the global south
  • Limiting the use of unchecked AI as a threat to democratic systems
Security Council
  • Situation on the South China Sea
  • Strengthening the partnership between the UN and the African Union on the issues of peace and security in Africa
Economic and Social Council
  • Examining global tax systems and their impact on society
  • Advancing programmes for economically disadvantaged people to ensure appropriate education
Environment Assembly
  • Promoting the teaching and studying of environmantal issues for an inclusive and livable future
  • Marine and water pollution as a danger to food security
Special Commitee: UNESCO
  • Protecting world heritage sites endangered through enviromental issues and human violence
  • Promoting the integration of indigenous cultures in education and society.

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